Marge Guist
Arkansas State
Amercianism Chairperson
PO BOX 195
Prairie Grove AR. 72753-0195
Please Check back in August 15
The G/L Americanism Committee had selected the theme, What the Pledge of Allegiance Means To Me for the 2014-2015 Grand Lodge Americanism Essay Contest. The essay contest starts with the Subordinate Lodges, progresses through District and State levels, and ends with the national winners. This very important Patriotic Contest gives school children in grades 5-8 the opportunity to express views on their pride in America.
On the national level, first-place winners in each division will receive a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond. Second-place winners receive a $500 bond, and third-place winners receive a $250 bond. The Lodge that sponsors a national winner will be presented with a beautiful engraved plaque at the Grand Lodge Convention. Many Lodges, District and State Associations also offer different types of awards to their winners.
Now is the time for all Lodges to contact their local school districts and provide them with the new topic and ask them to add the essay contest to their fall curriculum. Additional information on the contest will be found on the GL Web site and in the 2010-2011 supplement to the Americanism Manual shortly after the Grand Lodge Convention in Orlando. This information will also be mailed to all Exalted Rulers.
This is a most important contest because it involves school children in your area in Americanism at its best and shows that the Members of your Lodge are proud to be Americans, proud to be Elks and proud to participate in the Americanism programs of the Grand Lodge. Your G/L Americanism Committee is committed to serving you and assisting you as we all show pride in America.
May God continue to bless America. God bless the Elks and may God bless each of you.
Joseph C Basil, Chairman
Grand Lodge Americanism Committee
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Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks • Grand Lodge
Americanism Essay Contest
Essay Theme: “Why I am Proud to be an American”
1. Eligible participants must be a student enrolled in the fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth grade during the normal 2010-11 school year, preceding June 30, 2011. Deadline: Must be submitted to local lodge by January 15, 2011
2. Essay length is not to exceed 250 words.
3. Essay must be typed or legibly printed in ink. Also, Essay must be submitted as written (or typed) by the entrant.
4. Essay must be submitted for judging to the Elks Lodge administering the contest at his or her school or, if unknown, to Lodge nearest to home address of entrant.
5. Entrant must be identified on essay by name, home address, grade, school attended and sponsoring Lodge. (Lodge may enter Lodge information on essay.)
6. Judging criteria:
Originality: Avoid the use of trite or worn out words and phrases — 30 points
Development of theme: Stay focused on ideas and thoughts. Don’t ramble — 40 points
Mechanics and neatness: Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation — 30 points
There are two divisions for judging essays:
Division 1 (combined fifth and sixth grades)
Divison 2 (combined seventh and eighth grades)
Select from submitted entries the top three essays from each division and send the six essays to the District Americanism Chairman by Jan. 30, 2011, or the date established by the State Association.
Select the top three essays in each division from entries submitted by Subordinate Lodges and send the six essays to the State Americanism Chairman by Feb. 28, 2011, or the date established by the State Association.
Select the first-, second- and third-place winners for the state from entries submitted by District Chairman. In addition, State Chairman forwards the first-place winners from each division to the Grand Lodge essay contest administrator. (Must be postmarked by March 31, 2011.)
National prizes for first-, second- and third-place winning essays in Division 1 and Division II will be presented to the home Lodge of the winners at the Grand Lodge Session in Phoenix, AZ, July 17-21, 2011, as follows:
First place $1,000 U.S. Patriot Savings Bond
Second place $500 U.S. Patriot Savings Bond
Third place $250 U.S. Patriot Savings Bond
2010-2011 Americanism Essay Contest Cover Sheet
(Must be attached to each Essay)
“Why I am Proud to be an American”
Section 1 — to be filled out by student
Division I: 5th or 6th Grade (Circle One) Division II: 7th or 8th Grade
School ____________________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________________
Male ❍ Female ❍
Age _____ Grade _____
Address ______________________________________
City____________________________State_____ZIP ___________
Home Phone (________)__________________________________
Email _________________________________________________
(used only to contact the winners)
Send to Local Lodge no later than:
JANUARY 10, 2011
Section 2 — to be filled out by Lodge Chairman
Chairman’s Name
Chairman’s Home Phone Number
Sponsoring Lodge Name & Number _______________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________
City ____________________________ State _____
ZIP ________________
Select the top three essays from each division and send them to the District Americanism Chairman by January 30, 2011or the date established by the State Chairman. (Top three only, do not separate as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.)
Section 3 — to be filled out by District Chairman
District __________________
Address ______________________________________
City ____________________________ State _____
ZIP ________________
Chairman’s Home Phone Number
(________) ______________________________________
Select the top three essays from each division and send them to the State Americanism Chairman by February 15, 2011 or the date established by the State Chairman. (Top three only, do not separate as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.)
Sponsored by Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of
The United States of America
1. Eligible participants must be Students enrolled in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade at the time of the contest.
2. Essay length is not to exceed 250 words.
3. Essay must be typed or legibly printed in ink. Also, Essay must be submitted as written (or typed) by the entrant.
4. Essay must be submitted for judging to the Elks Lodge nearest to the address of the entrant.
5. Participant must be identified by name, grade, school attending and sponsoring Elks Lodge on the Essay.
Prizes awarded by the Grand Lodge for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place for National winning essays in Division I and Division II will be announced at the Grand Lodge Session in Phoenix, AZ, July 17-21, 2011 as follows:
Division I {5th & 6th Grades} Division II {7th & 8th Grades}
1st Place $1,000 US Savings Bond $1,000 US Savings Bond
2nd Place $500 US Savings Bond $500 US Savings Bond
3rd Place $250 US Savings Bond $250 US Savings Bond
Essay should be submitted to local Elks Lodge on/before January 10, 2011.
The Essay Contest Cover Sheet must be completed for each level of competition and remain attached to the Essay.
Sponsoring Elks Lodge:_________________________________________________
Lodge No._______________
Contact Person:_________________________________________________